Gateways Child and Adolescent Outpatient Program integrates psychological, medical, social, and educational services to meet the mental health needs of severely disturbed children and adolescents in our community. DCFS, probation, schools, and the community refer youth and their families to receive help. The program also provides continuity of care for children who no longer require 24-hour inpatient services but still need therapeutic support. Our goal is to enable children to remain in their current home and school environments, while developing healthy coping skills and a positive sense of self-worth.
Gateways Adult Outpatient Programs provides mental health services for adults age 18 to 59 who are diagnosed with chronic and severe mental illnesses and co-occurring disorders. Our adult outpatient programs were developed in conjunction with the Department of Mental Health (DMH) to serve individuals in need of ongoing psychiatric services who have been discharged, or are ready to be discharged, from jails, state hospitals, Institutions for Mental Disease (IMD), acute psychiatric inpatient units, or crisis residential facilities. The programs provide therapeutic services to assist clients in transitioning from locked placements to independent community living. Additionally, Gateways provides forensic outreach services to at-risk clients. The programs offer enriched treatment in a structured environment with intensive mental health supportive outpatient services designed to provide a healing community, which is integral to the recovery and reintegration process.
Gateways provides our adult outpatient programs at Normandie Village East, in the heart of Los Angeles, and at Percy Village, in Boyle Heights.

Normandie Village Outpatient Clinic
1338 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Tel: 213.389.5820
Percy Village Outpatient Clinic
4063 Whittier Blvd. Ste. #202
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Tel: 323-268-2100
Adolescent Outpatient Clinic
1891 Effie St.
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Tel: 323-644-2000